• July 2019

Recently, I achieved a dismissal of an OUI charge on behalf of a client. By challenging the State’s interpretation of the evidence and obtaining our own expert opinion, I was able to almost conclusively prove that my client’s blood alcohol level was not over the legal limit. Ultimately, the prosecutor agreed and the case was dismissed. My client was not convicted of an OUI and did not lose her license.

William Ashe, Esq Attorney - Criminal Defense Lawyer in Ellsworth Maine - Ashe Law Offices

William Ashe is an experienced trial attorney with a career track record of determined
effective representation and consistent sustained success on behalf of his clients. He has
been named to the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Criminal Defense Attorneys every year
since 2014 and has a perfect 10.0 rating by the lawyer rating site Avvo. (207) 813-2935

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