• June 2023

My client was charged with a felony OUI based upon his prior record. The case appeared to be very solid for the state and it did not seem like we would have very much to work with in presenting a defense version of the case. Nonetheless, I thought that were enough issues with the investigation that a jury could acquit my client if they strictly followed the reasonable doubt instruction and the presumption of innocence. We received a favorable plea offer late in the case but my client did not want to plead guilty. He was also willing to put his faith in my professional opinion that the case was winnable. The jury deliberated for a little over an hour before returing with a Not Guilty verdict for my client.Read More

  • May 2023

My client was charged with Operating Under the Influence after he was stopped by law enforcement based upon a tip that he was driving aggressively. I challenged the stop as lacking reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime or violation. The Judge agreed and granted my Motion to Dismiss. The Judge further ordered that all evidence obtained from the stop must be suppressed!Read More

  • April 2023

My client was charged with having a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle. Through ongoing and concerted negotiation, I was able to convince the prosecutor to dismiss the criminal charge in favor of a civil infraction. This will save my client from having a criminal conviction on his permanent record.Read More

  • April 2023

My client was charged with Operating Under the Influence after leaving a bar without his headlights on. My client ultimately agreed to plead guilty to a lesser Driving to Endanger charge and OUI was dismissed.Read More

  • March 2023

After a two-day protection order hearing the Judge found in favor of my client and denied the Plaintiff's request for a protection order. If we had lost the hearing, it would have had a huge impact on my client's ongoing custody case. This was a contentious hearing and the other side was well-represented. Fortunately, through hard work and preparation, we were able to prevail.Read More

  • February 2023

My client was charged with Unlawful Possession of Scheduled Drugs. The prosecutor agreed to dismiss the charge after the State was unable to provide additional discovery.Read More

  • January 2023

My client was charged with Domestic Violence Assault. A big part of this case was demonstrating to the Attorney for the State that there was much more to the story than solely what had appeared in the police investigation. The prosecutor agreed that a reduced charge was far more appropriate, and my client pleaded guilty to Disorderly Conduct for making loud and unreasonable noise and paid a small fine. My client avoided the jail, probation, and the lifetime firearm prohibItion that would have come from a DV Assault conviction.Read More

  • December 2022

My client was charged with Operating Under the Influence. After negotiating the case the State decided not to pursue the charge. My client avoided possible jail, loss of license and having an OUI on his record.Read More

  • November 2022

My client was charged with Felony theft from a former employee. After extensive litigation, the state agreed to a Deferred Disposition where my client did not admit wrongdoing and the charge was ultimately dismissed. My client avoided a felony conviction and jail time.Read More

  • September 2022

My client was charged with two counts of Unlawful Sexual Contact. The case was dismissed prior to trial. My client avoided a possible prison sentence and registration as a sex offender.Read More

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