
Domestic Violence And Quarantines

Posted by Will Ashe, Esq.Oct 29, 20200 Comments

William Ashe Examines the impact of COVID-19 quarantines on domestic violence

Has Domestic Violence Increased Because Of Covid-related Quarantines?

In 2020, the way that we work, rest and play has dramatically changed. Instead of spending large portions of time outside of our homes, many of us have decided to stay indoors. This has influenced the way that COVID-19 has spread.

It also means that people are spending much more time with their families. For those who have unpleasant and possibly unsafe relationships with their housemates, time spent in quarantine could be very dangerous.

Have there been more instances of domestic violence in 2020 because of this forced proximity? Let's check in on the research to learn what we need to know.

Covid-19, Quarantine, And The Rise Of Domestic Violence

In short: Yes. Domestic violence has increased in 2020 due to widespread quarantine. In what the New York Times has termed a ‘new COVID-19 crisis', movement restriction has given way to violence at home.

The increased number of domestic violence cases in 2020 is alarming. In China, counts of domestic violence tripled during February 2020. The United Nations noted that France also experienced a 30% increase in these cases. Cyprus, Argentina, and Singapore report similar numbers. In the USA, limited data makes assessment difficult. However, various anecdotal summaries suggest a similar spike.

In the past, sociologists have noted that domestic violence spikes whenever families have to spend more time together (for example, during holidays). Lockdown has therefore presented the perfect scenario for this type of violence.

Of course, this is also the perfect situation for false accusations of domestic violence. Maine takes domestic violence extremely seriously. If you face unfair accusations during the COVID-19 pandemic, courts may be more predisposed than usual to have sympathy for your accuser.

This means that you need to take steps now to protect your future.

What To Do If You Face Accusations Of Pandemic-related Domestic Violence

As soon as you realize that you have been accused of domestic violence, reach out to an experienced criminal defense lawyer. They will analyze your situation and build a strong case to cast doubt on your guilt.

I'd be happy to discuss your specific situation. Contact my office online or at 207-615-1344 today to learn more about how I can help you fight your charges.